The Let's Play Archive

Atelier Lydie & Suelle

by Jerry Manderbilt

Part 80: Chapter L-1: The Last Beginnings

Part L-1: The Last Beginnings

The Final Round of Requirements

Right, so the cauldron should be at this temp…

Hold on, is that who I think it is at the door?

It’s here!


Ah, no need to be scared. We just need to get our hands on those exam conditions!

Thank you. Alrighty, then… I guess S Rank as always going to be demanding.

Of course. But we can do it. After all… It’s us, Sis! We’ve got this!

Hahaha, you’re right. There’s nothing we can’t do! Let’s do it!

…He-heh. Ah, and the subsidy of 10000 Coll…

Ah, right. We’d better put that away before you get any funny ideas.

Uwah! That’s just too harsh, Lydie…

Anyway, there’s so many other great alchemists in this city. A lot of them could viably reach S Rank before we do… so why don’t we ask around? About the state of the competition?

Sounds like a plan, Sue! Let’s start with Teach, since she’s right down the street!

The State of the Competition

Ah, perfect timing! Sorry, but can you give me a hand?

Ah, of course! We’ll dive right in! Now, then, what do you need help with for this synthesis?

Hey, Miss! How may I help you today?

After all was said and done…

Thanks so much. I’ve got so much on my plate already, and then that bunch showed up!

Your atelier really is popular, isn’t it?

Haha, what are you talking about? YOUR atelier is the talk of the town! You’re even aiming for S Rank, aren’t you? Soon enough you’ll just overtake me.

Ah, come on! You could become S Rank whenever you wanted, surely?

It’s not that easy. It takes more than alchemic skill to raise your rank. I’ve had so much work recently, too, I haven’t had time to consider my rank at all!

Hahaha, it must be tough being so busy!

So please, girls, go right ahead and surpass me! It’s your dream to become the greatest in the kingdom, right? Well, you’re almost there!

Mmm… we will! Thank you, Ilmeria!

Next up… Firis was at B Rank last we heard, right? And Sophie and Plachta are living with her now… That’s a lot of big names under one roof, so we oughta check in!

That’s right! Although I’m not sure we can even take the exam yet…

Hahaha, you’ll be fine. You’ll do it, no problem. Just keep up the good work!

This Atelier Rank stuff is harder than I expected… I can’t seem to get past B Rank.

What? Really? That’s unexpected.

It’s because you have to raise the reputation of your atelier, too.

I’m always out and about, so I often miss chances to work.

Ah, I see. I guess that makes sense.

Miss Sophie isn’t any better! She doesn’t like the Ranking System either, so she won’t help me.

Hahaha… I don’t like those kinds of restrictions. I’m not good with them.

Anyway, the two of you seem to be doing well increasing your reputation. You’ve almost become the greatest atelier in the kingdom! We’re supporting you all the way!

Thank you, both of you!

That was kind of surprising to hear, but… I guess it makes sense. Alchemy for Firis has always been a means to an end… to realize her dreams of traveling the world. Having a high Atelier Rank here is just icing on the cake.

Right. Anyway, where to next?

Hmm… let’s go to Alt’s atelier! After all, his place would be en route to Atelier Borthayre, anyway.

Sounds like a plan!

No, not yet. We’re still working on it.

What about you, then, Alt? What rank are you?

I got bored of the whole thing, to be honest.

Yeah. I did reach B Rank… but I don’t really need any money, and I can already do all the alchemy I like. So I can’t be bothered with raising my rank any higher. That’s all.

Wow… So decisive. That’s just like you, Alt.

You think so? Let’s just leave it at that, anyway. Your goal is to raise your Atelier Rank and become the greatest in the kingdom, though, right? So you need to push on through! I’m sure it will work out, so long as you don’t give up.

That’s the plan! Thanks for the advice, Alt! Hehe… now, then…

Hahaha, we can’t lag behind you forever. What rank are you now, anyway?

I’m A Rank too, thank you very much. Drop your guard and I’ll reach S Rank before you!

I see. A powerful opponent appears. We’d better be careful not to lose to you!

That’s right. We’ll take you on fair and square, Lucia!

Yes, of course. M-Me too.

See you later, then!

…That was a surprise. I thought Sue was going to come out with her normal “You’ll never reach S Rank, Lucia!” She would never have faced me head on like that before… They’ve both grown up so much! …Bah, this isn’t the time to be congratulating them! They are my rivals!

So that’s that, then. It’s just Lucia we’re competing with for S Rank, in the end. Since Alt is already financial stable…

…And all he wants is to practice alchemy. Not the glory or fanfare of S Rank. Anyway, now that we’re here… why don’t we drop in at the castle?

To check in with Mireille, right? Might as well! She’s been watching over us all this time, after all!

Mireille! We’re…


I know! You’ve finally realized how cute we are!

No, that’s not it. Actually, I was thinking how mature you look. How grown up.

Uwah, you just came out and said it! You don’t need to be so direct.

Hahaha! Mireille, you really think we’ve changed that much?

Uwah! You aren’t holding back today, are you!

You think? Yet now, those two useless twins from back then now own one of the best ateliers in the kingdom. The look in your eyes, your alchemy skills, and your mindset overall have completely changed.

Heheh, do you really think so? It does make me happy to hear you say that.

Keep it up, then! I want to see you be the first to reach the glory of S Rank! I support you all the way, Lydie, Sue!

No problem! We’ll be known far and wide for having the cutest possible atelier in the kingdom!

Ah, well… If that’s what you want?

Hahaha… Maybe not me…

Bah! You two are no fun…

Hehe, sorry… oh, since we’re here… why don’t we go to the Frozen Palace?

Sure! I’m sure Neige wants to know how things worked out with the Remplir, after all…

Thank you, Neige. We actually managed to work something out!

Really? That’s great to hear…

Hehehe, you’re so kind, Neige. You’ve been worrying about us?

Hah! Who’d worry about you two? I’m worried about your soul fragment mother! Because she’s just like me.

Oh yeah? We’re kind enough to leave it at that, I suppose.

Gah! Stop grinning like that, you dummy! G-Get out of here! Or else I’ll call some monsters!

A-alright, alright! We’ll come again soon, Neige!

…If they saved their mother, that means they took care of the Remplir, somehow… Such a thing was impossible when I was alive. Time has gone on without me, it seems. …I’ve got this eternal life. After all my regrets, maybe, I can help them… Even from inside here. To do everything they can to help someone again… That’s what an alchemist does.

Alright! Now, to go home and get back to the grind…

It was fun catching up with everyone, but now we oughta redouble our efforts!

The Ultimate Bomb

Uwah, this sounds suspicious. If you acted like that on the street, you’d be arrested!

Suspicious? I’m cool! Anyway, I’ve had another good idea, so I need your help.

Ugah! Just hearing that phrase brings back a bunch of horrible memories!

Come on, Dad. You’re a licensed alchemist, after all. Stop with these crazy ideas! Okay?

Never! Alchemy is all about imagination. The day you stop trying is the day you stop growing. That’s why I’m always using the power of flexible thinking to try and create new recipes!

Gah, and now you’re almost making sense! Very well. We’ll help you again.

Although I bet we’ll regret it… What’s the item this time, then?

Now this sounds really dangerous. Lydie! It isn’t too late to back out of this!

You’re right, Sue. Dad, forget we said anything! We’re not going to help…

Foolish girls, you can’t escape now! Here’s your list!

If you don’t help, I think I’ll quietly coat Sue’s guns with honey! Hahaha! Imagine the terror, as hundreds of insects crawl toward your beloved weapons!

Hahaha, call me whatever you like! I’ll do whatever it takes, for the sake of my alchemy! You know what you have to do, girls. I’m just going to step out and buy some honey!

Fiend! Monster! Uwah, Lydie…

Cheer up, Sue. …Dad really is good for nothing, though, isn’t he? He also seems to be enjoying himself a bit more now… I guess we could help him a little? …Dad! We have the bombs ready!

Roger Inspiration Condition: Give him 21 bombs of any kind.

That was incredible, girls! Hahaha! You’ve stirred up my creative soul!

Now that he’s at it, Sue…

You too, Lydie? My spine is shivering just watching him right now…

It’s finished! This is it, girls! The bomb among bombs! The ultimate explosive, which (I bet) countless alchemists have sought since history began!

I heard that! But yes, it does look like quite a bomb.

Yeah. Let me take a look… ah!

Phew, that was close. I almost dropped it!

I’m glad you didn’t… Talk about the party getting wiped out! More like the world…

…What? Dad, just how explosive is this thing?

Let me see. If it ever did explode, well… It could crack the planet…

W-What?! Why would you ever mae such a thing?! I almost ended existence as we know it, just now!

Indeed. I think you’d better handle it with a little more care! Here’s the recipe, anyway.

No, don’t be like that. You’ve grown up a lot! I bet…

I’m not falling for it! I’m not falling for any more of your tricks!

It would be a shame to waste it. I tucked it into your notebook, for safekeeping.

Hey, don’t touch my stuff! … And what do you mean, “tucked”, it’s stuck with glue!

Roger’s Forbidden Idea was glued to your notebook.

Hahaha! The ultimate collaboration between father and daughters… I’m happy it turned out so well.

Hmph… Enough with your crazy recipes, Dad. This is the last one! Otherwise, well, you’ll see…! Hehehehe…

I’ll see… what…?

You are better off not asking that question! Hehe!


This isn’t going to stop you, is it? We’ll be dealing with your crackpot schemes forever! Well, I guess I don’t mind. It’s dangerous, sure, but it’s also a lot of fun! Haha!

I will not bow to threats! Never! Alchemy and creativity must be free! Freedom! FREEDOOOOOM!!!

Ah, this… I guess it’s more reasonable than… whatever Dad made.

Right… I guess we could give it a go.

We need one Ori Bomb, one Stahl Ice Bomb, one Lightning Crystal and one Eisen Luft, huh?

Talk about all the upper-tier explosives! Now, then…

Fusion Effect… You think that’s the most important target to hit?

I guess so! Now, then…


Right. We oughta handle this thing with the utmost care. Or else…